ADL32B1.ZIP 138,700 11-06-96 AdLogo v3.2Beta1 (11/05/96) For PCBoard v15.xMove files from CD-ROM and/or NetWork Serverto local node before user downloads. Add ZipComments and/or BBSINFO.TXT type files tofor Windows95. Many new enhancements since
ARSENIC.ZIP 6,700 10-30-96 The Arsenic Wall of Poison! v1.0 Coded by:Phantom CyberSpace of: K&K SoftWare This is asimple little grafitti wall meant to replacethe standard walls that we see. As morereleases are let loose you will see some new
AUCT106.ZIP 26,551 10-24-96 Silent Auction v1.06 [PPE] : *UNIVERSAL KEYSUPPORT* : Allows your users to buy and selljust about: anything you can imagine, set bidamounts, : auction time and bid increments.Quick 1 : minute setup, Zero Maintenance!
BANGO100.ZIP 31,197 12-02-96 BANGO v1.00 - By Galahad Software A PPE forPCBoard 15.22+ Bango brings the game of Bingoto your BBS with a twist cards are usedinstead of Bingo balls! Registered versionfeatures make up days, complete
BLAB_072.ZIP 221,282 10-22-96 BOOMLAB v0.72 COMPLETE Upload Processor forPcBoard. Coded by Gene Layton (BOOMER)08/20/96 Age test archive 6 different ways.ZAP all BBS ads even random ads usingfilelist, CRC value, or text keywords.
BNKFRE12.ZIP 167,041 11-15-96 BNKFRE12 - BANK.PPE version 1.20-(PPLC 3.1)Why Pay for a BANK PPE when this is FREE!!.Bank Time, Bytes, Exchange, & Gambling.Totally configurable by the SysOp. GamblingModules included or write your own with our
BSPPE_NA.ZIP 22,203 11-22-96 .AWESOME * AWESOME * AWESOME * AWESOME. .-. *PPE/PCB NEW FiLES! * - A Small PPE that willreplace the (N)ew Command in your PCB BBS!! -User-Configurable to the MAXXX!!! FREEWARE-603.883.3486 * 33.6 * 11 GiG!
BW401PCB.ZIP 656,716 09-02-96 The Blue Wave Offline Mail Door/PCBoardVersion 4.01 of the offline mail door knownthe world over for its power and ease of use!Features include: * Flexible message packingoptions. * Internal file transfer protocols.
BYPASS.ZIP 1,796 11-25-96 PPE TO BYPASS LAST NAME PROMPT Many Sysopswith alias support have requested this PPEfrom tech support to avoid the LAST NAMEprompt. One-word Alias names will not have topress enter or become confused at this
CALLM120.ZIP 18,998 09-30-96 CallMe v1.20 - The Callback [PPE] : SysOps,now you can have an easy & cheap : way tocall back your users (this is : not acallback verifier), this allows : you tocallback your users and let them : get
CAM-G205.ZIP 896,103 09-16-96 Cam-Mail GOLD v2.05 Multi-Lingual,Multi-NodeThe best ShareWare QWK/REP Door for PCBoard15.x Supports Duplicate CRC checking, FileAttachments in QWK/REP packets, Echoing MailBetween BBS's, Internal Protocols, Updating
CHMENUS.ZIP 14,695 09-25-96 -= CHAOSE MENU SYSTEM=- Full replacement forthe PCBoard user Interface. Fullyconfigurable, easy to use and FREE! Sourceincluded ;) By MRY and the Master Dwork!
CSVER72.ZIP 35,128 09-08-96 CSVerify v.72CSVerify is a PCBoard PPE that verifies yourusers without CALLING THEM BACK. Featuresinclude: Choice of Normal -or- Caller I.D.Mode, and a Good InterFace. PLEASE READ THETechnologies
DEPOS121.ZIP 82,929 09-16-96 The Depository Bank v1.21 [PPE] : Winner ofthe 1995 PCBoard Favorite Add-On : Contest asBest Shareware PPE! : This PPE is writtenexclusively for PCBoard : version 15.2+. Thepurpose of this PPE is to: allow your users
DETECT13.ZIP 5,378 10-12-96 Ansi Detect PPE v1.3 Coded By Marcus Holmes AMPP Production 1996 This PPE willautomatically Answer the graphics questionwhen someone logs on. Totally recoded forPCBoard v15.3 but will work with all 15.xversions!
DNXMAS96.ZIP 101,753 11-30-96 Digital Nebula Xmas Pack '96 A Collection of9 Different PPEs from the Digital Nebula 100%FREEWARE! Includes PPS! MERRY CHRISTMASEVERYBODY!!!
DOWNLOA1.ZIP 4,751 11-07-96 DOWNLOAD.PPE This PPE for PCBoard v. 15.21+is used to make a user download a specificfile. The file must be named MEMBER.TXT andyou place the PPE wherever you want a user tod/l a file. This can be used to make
DP-NWS13.ZIP 16,355 11-14-96 [PPE] DeltaProductions News version 1.3a Thisis the best News file viewer for PCBoard15.2+. Fully lightbar driven, veryeasy-to-use user interface with ma- nyspecial features including adding and
DP-PG1F2.ZIP 19,881 10-14-96 [PPE] DeltaProductions SysOp pager 1.0F2 Thisis a best SysOp pager PPE ever made forPCBoard. Everything is fully confi- gurable!Uses F4 key status and configu- rable pagetimes settings. Leave a com- ments to SysOps
DP-ST3R1.ZIP 21,268 12-01-96 [PPE] DP'96 TopUser stats'97 3.00.137RC1 Thisis the greatest TopUser statistics- PPE forPCBoard 15.2+. Some of the new features are:Bar-graph, user searching, scrolling listsvery easy to use. No maintenance needed!
DP-TOP2B.ZIP 24,304 10-06-96 [PPE] DeltaProductions Top 10 users 2.0B Thisis the best Top 10-users viewer for PCBoard.VERY fast, displays top 10 up- anddownloaders (sorted by bytes and fi- les),top message writers and callers, and even
EQTERM.ZIP 1412,937 11-06-96 Equinox Software Distribution Packet Thisfile contains all the information and filesneeded to access or aquire a an EquinoxSoftware product. Copyright (c)1996 EquinoxSoftware
EZINE.ZIP 18,211 10-27-96 THE ACME E-ZINE v1.0 This is the AcmeElectronic Magazine by K&K SoftWare. Itallows the sysop to configure all of thedifferent screens and header files, up tofifteen different articles and up to fifteenThere are
FLAGFREE.ZIP 6,703 10-23-96 Flag.ppe I modified this one myself. It'sQuick, colorful, tags files with the spacebar, and even keeps a running total number offlagged files displayed on the commandprompt. Oh, did I mention it supports RIPBBS!
F_BOARD.ZIP 182,328 11-26-96 F_BOARD v1.0 [PPE-EXE] F_BOARD is fullMenu-System Support for PCBoard !!! ALLPCBoard Options are Replaced with WINDOWMENUS 47 PPE-S and 3 EXE GRAB THIS NOW !
GBYE_V2.ZIP 3,770 10-07-96 { Goodbye [PPE] v. 1 } GoodBye [PPE] is areplacement for your (G)oodbye command inPCBoard. Functions included a logoff commentto the SysOp. Rewrote and recompiled forPcBoard 15.3 /* Release Date 10/07/96 /*
GENMAIL.ZIP 133,726 12-01-96 PCB 15.3/2 .PPE GENMAIL.PPE will Write ageneric message to any user on any subjectand set the MAIL WAITING FLAG SIMPLE 2 lineconfig, best
GENMAILX.ZIP 145,477 12-03-96 PCB 15.3/2 .PPE GENMAILX Is a group ofexamples on how and where to useGENMAIL.PPE's 4 examples include in thisgroup. you'll need to
GIFCOL40.ZIP 74,609 09-11-96 GIF Collage builder PPE v4.0 for PCBoard.This PCBoard v15.x PPE command allows yourcallers to dynamically build and downloadcustomized GIF catalog images that eachcontain up to 9 pictures extracted from
HOME20DM.ZIP 59,478 09-22-96 HOMEWORK V2.0 DEMO Provide your school withthe technology for your students to get theirhomework right over their modem from theirown home computer. Highly configurable andCopyright 1995-96
HORSE140.ZIP 31,332 10-24-96 HORSE RACE v1.4 - PCBoard 15.2x+ [PPE] :*UNIVERSAL KEY SUPPORT* : A day at the racesfor your callers. Full : horse racing PPE.Quick and simple setup, no: SysOpmaintenance. Colorful, great animation: &
HOUND101.ZIP 31,328 11-04-96 GREYHOUND RACE v1.01 - PCBoard 15.2x+ [PPE] :*UNIVERSAL KEY SUPPORT* : A day at the dogtrack for your callers! : Full dog racingPPE. Quick and simple setup,: no maintenance.: (c)1996 Practical Computer Services :
IEMSI120.ZIP 36,508 11-10-96 PPE: IEMSI Auto-Logon v1.20 by Paul MillerAllows callers to auto logon via the IEMSIprotocol. Transparent to all other callers,not even a detection delay! >>>FREEWARE<<<
IS_ALLIE.ZIP 512,409 10-04-96 Intelec Software Extras!!! Contains all thecurrent PPEs/EXEs that make up the freewarecollection of PCBoard Addons!! Packed full offreeware, see for yourself why IntelecSoftware is the best!! Includes Newsflash
IS_ALLIS.ZIP 751,465 10-04-96 Intelec Software PowerPak! Contains all thecurrent PPEs/EXEs that make up the sharewarecollection of PCBoard Addons!! Packed full ofshareware, see for yourself why IntelecSoftware is the best!! Includes SubscriP,
IS_FM_25.ZIP 21,794 11-29-96 FileMenu v2.5 The best DIR Replacement PPEfor PCB v15.22 Automatic! Never draw anotherfile menu again! Also lets users search filedirectory name descriptions! For those withmultiple CD-Rom's, this lets you have "sub-
IS_KI_12.ZIP 83,407 10-04-96 KOTPYRM! v1.2! King of the Pyramid PPE!! Asimple yet addictive game that will have yourusers calling every day, trying to win tophonors and be King of the Pyramid! Includesconfiguration PPE and tournament mode! Also
IS_RM_24.ZIP 27,814 11-29-96 RemindMe 2.4 PCB 15.22 Users enter their ownpersonal reminders! RemindMe can notify themat logon or via a message & logon! Users setdays in advance to remind, if a reminder's aShareware! An Intelec Software PPE!
KSPMTS33.ZIP 311,650 10-02-96 KSP-Mail (vers 3.3) A Multi-Threaded Serverfor ESMTP Mail and NNTP Usenet news. ReplacesUUCP and its monthly fees! No more unwantednewsgroups! Instant mail without waiting forthat presently uses UUCP. Requires a 24hr
LINKS50.ZIP 192,274 10-06-96 Links Golf v5.0 - BBS Door Program LinksCountry Club Golf. Play a round of 9 or 18holes. Includes course architect so that youmay customize your course to your board. Nowincludes ANSI display for each hole. Supports
MAILL501.ZIP 4,857 10-05-96 The Mailing List Builder v5.01 [PPE] : Buildsa complete comma delimited file of : all yourusers mailing info from your USERS : file.Fast, simple and completely free! : (c)1996Practical Computer Services :
MONI1.ZIP 6,901 11-11-96 MONITOR v1.0 - Requires PCBoard v15.3+Monitor is a PCBoard .PPE for SysOps tomonitor their nodes while they are on-line.It will display their name, city, and currentstatus of on-line users. Options include:
MONI14.ZIP 26,779 09-07-96 UltraMoni - v1.4 - PCBMONI .PPE replacementfor the busy PCBoard Sysop. User definableupdate and scroll interval. View online userrecord. Update node info. Full and compactdisplay mode. Fully functional. Shareware
NEWM566.ZIP 2,999 09-03-96 This is a PCB-@Code Screen for displayingwhen callers have mail waiting to read. Freeto use as you please. Use this in PCBTEXT asa replacement for prompt 566. From Lord Baneat The Forgotten Realms BBS in Chicago IL
NEWUSERS.ZIP 4,852 10-20-96 NEWUSER.PPE 1996 This PPE is for PCBoard v.15.21+. It is used to have your callersbecome members. It is used in conjunctionwith a security specific file. (c)1996, PaulSzymczuk
NODESRCH.ZIP 20,931 11-14-96 NODE SEARCH v1.1 is not just another nodelistlook-up utility! Search by Sysop name, Net #,BBS Name, Area Code, and City. Then retrieveevery address for the method you picked,Another PPE by Hard-Edge Technologies!
OFILE18A.ZIP 106,303 11-06-96 OnlineFilemanager THIS IS THE FIRST TRUEONLINE FILEMANAGER (c) Slob-Trot Software1996 Now you don't have to let your Cosys outto your dos anymore. All filehandling can bedone on-line with this amazing PPE.
PCB746YN.ZIP 4,957 11-17-96 PCBOARD 15.3/2 pcbtext line 746 replacementfor BBS's with long file descriptions changesdefault from "Y" to "N" for BOZO USERS WHOPRESS ENTER BEFORE LOOKING. will
PCBCK325.ZIP 128,094 12-22-96 PCBCheck 3.25 Upload processor forPCBoard - easiest to use and set up. Fastestupload processing available! This versiongreatly enhances description file processing,scanner customization abilities, smarter
PCBDE405.ZIP 105,977 10-29-96 The PCB Door Executive v4.05 [PPE] :*UNIVERSAL KEY SUPPORT* : Creates *1* Menufor all your Doors & PPE : programs. Run PPE& Doors from 1 menu! : Totally SysOpConfigurable. Optionally : categorizes yourServices :
PCBDOD2B.ZIP 541,763 09-26-96 * PCB Dial On Demand v2.0b For OS/2 * Are youa Sysop with the desire to be an ISP? Want tooffer your callers Full Internet, but can'tafford a leased line? PCB Dial On Demandoffer your callers Internet access VERY
PCBFV40.ZIP 180,183 11-14-96 PCBFV 4.0 - PCBoard Compressed File Viewer.Lists contents of ZIP, ARJ, RAR etc. files.Read & search files inside compressed files.Extract file for separate download. Seamless.A YCS PCBoard Accessory
PCBFX24.ZIP 125,234 10-09-96 PCBFX 2.4 PCBoard File History/Profile Door.Reports times downloaded, who uploaded, dateof upload, last date downloaded, are time orbytes charged, enough time or bytes and more.A YCS PCBoard Accessory
PCBMAS16.ZIP 91,489 11-24-96 PCBMASTER 1.6 & UTILITIES - The best PCBoardALLFILES and NEWFILES LIST Generator as wellas a very efficient directory manipulator!Fully configurable, installs in a snap andgives you a stunning looking files list your
PCBQBETA.ZIP 102,894 11-12-96 PcBoard 15.2x FidoNet Queue Manipulater OS/2& DOS Ver Included. Beta Expires 1/1/97 Queueentries may be added, deleted, changed orviewed. Queue entries may be added fromcommand line for event use.
PCBVCOM.ZIP 2,258 10-31-96 How to make PCBoard telnetable with VCOM inWin95
PCSUNI.ZIP 978,963 10-17-96 Practical Computer Services UniKey Aware :Software. The Best of the Best From PCS! :This MegaZip contains shareware versions : ofVRS,LOOPBACK,AUCTION,SUGGESTION BOX, :PCBDE,HO'HOUSE,USER PROFILER,PCBBE and :
PHTDAY2.ZIP 21,400 09-16-96 < Todays caller log V2.1 By Phantom> Adedtime loged in and out + total This is a cooltoday & yesterdays caller caller log. Selfmaintaing! No fus no mess! Runs its ownmaintance! Yet a nother FREE ppe By Phantom
PWD18.ZIP 21,046 11-30-96 [PPE] PWD18.ZIP v1.8 Date: 11-30-96 Compiledwith PPLC v2.00 (for PCBoard v15.1) PCBoardPPE program that will allow callers who enteran incorrect password to reset it if they canmatch the information contained in the
PWR_RSM1.ZIP 26,833 12-09-96 Resume Download v1.0 PPE for PCBoard15.3 Did you ever had or see yourusers flagging files or downloading them andsuddently CARRIER LOST....Well now you willhave this program. If this happens, then filenames are
SN_1096.ZIP 13,436 10-19-96 SigNET InfoPak - A Mail Network with thatDown-Home Flavor and Friendly Atmosphere. ItFills the Gap between General Chit-Chat andSome Serious Problem Solving. SigNET is a QWKAutomated Comm Program to Get the Mail. 36
STRMPAGE.ZIP 7,758 09-10-96 * K&K SoftWare * Presents STORM/PAGE PCBoardSysOp Page Command Replacement This is thevery first release from K&K Software. It'ssmall, but its good and
SUGST302.ZIP 25,891 09-27-96 The Suggestion Box! v3.02 [PPE] : *UNIVERSALKEY SUPPORT* : This isn't your run of themill program : here! Full user voting, inaddition users : can add their ownSuggestions for the rest : of your users toServices :
TICKLE16.ZIP 65,904 10-05-96 "TICKLE FILE" Ver 1.60 - 10/4/96 - (PPL 3.1)"Tickle File" is a program which maintains apersonal database for each user. Thispersonal database can contain up to 24filenames with an optional 15 character
TO_FL_10.ZIP 4,324 09-21-96 It's a simple PPE that will show a menu withcommands that can be used at the File ListCommand Prompt (Pcbtext #223) includingPCBoard 15.3 new LONG / SHORT command. Expertmode detect. *FREEWARE* Author: Tariq
TSP101.ZIP 15,544 12-22-96 TS Page Ver 1.01- - The ULTIMATE O commandreplacement for PCB. This PPE was designedwith IceChat in mind, and has some of thesame looks as IceChat. Allows for the user totype an explanation for the page. Very
ULP_224.ZIP 339,114 10-05-96 UpLoadProcessor v2.24* Overall Winner* of the1995 PCBoard Favorite Add-on Contest!Detects, processes and converts archives,nested archives and imbedded pathed archives.Also processes selected uncompressed files.
UPGRADE1.ZIP 6,241 11-26-96 UPGRADE PPE is designed to give automaticsecurity increases to your users based upon #of
UPGRADE2.ZIP 138,541 12-04-96 PCB 15.3/2 .PPE UPGRADE PPE REL 2 is designedto give automatic security increases to yourusers based upon # of
UPROF201.ZIP 96,122 09-27-96 User Profiler - MatchMaker [PPE] v2.01 : *UNIVERSAL KEY SUPPORT * : Now attach Picturefiles to your Bio's! : A user Bio,MatchMaking PPE that is : lightining Fast,very flexible, zero SysOp : maintenance.Services :
VOTER403.ZIP 63,623 10-08-96 Voter++ v4.03 - User Voting [PPE] :*UNIVERSAL KEY SUPPORT* : A full featuredVoting door for your PCB : 15.2 (or better)system. Complete SysOp : control on allquestions and answers. : Unlimited VotingServices :
VRS501.ZIP 259,713 10-08-96 Virtual Reality Soldiers (VRS) v5.01 [PPE] :*UNIVERSAL KEY SUPPORT!* : Better than ever!Find and conquer Felix, : the errant mutantleader on the lost planet : of Xanadu, whereeven the Yeti wear fur : coats! Requires
WALL15.ZIP 39,677 11-23-96 The Wall v1.5 PCBoard PPE The ULTIMATEGraffitti Wall!!! A Full Screen Wall whereusers can scribble/tag anything they want onit - totally anonymous FREEWARE INCLUDES PPSSOURCE Digital Nebula [408]469.3604
WILD14.ZIP 30,756 10-05-96 WILD.PPE - By Dan Shore - Version 1.4 NowSupports New 15.3 IDX File Formats. This is aWildCard Download replacement PPE. Allows theuser to SELECT which files to download first,Users can select files by NUMBERS, or by
ZMFILES.ZIP 145,396 12-10-96 PCBoard 15.3 Zmodem Files Includes workingpcbsz.bat and pcbrz.bat files along with theZMODEM .EXE files.